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Psycho-Kinesiology (Applied Kinesiology & EMDR)
Book training Psycho-Kinesiology
The seminar teaches Applied Kinesiologie and EMDR. First the basics of anatomy and physiology we need for the course are mediated, in particular the genesis of trauma and contemporary trauma theory and it’s meaning for the healing process. Next to this theory there is a lot of space for practical exercising.
After the seminar you can work with Applied Kinesiologie independently.
The modules can be booked separately. A lot of participants like to exercise more in a group — here I recommend to book two to four modules. After the second module it is possible to come on Saturday and Sunday for exercises, Friday night is for theory only.
Occasionally some independent people with readiness of mind often only need one or two modules.
Previous knowledge is not needed.
Fr 17:00 – 21:00h
Sa 10:00 – 18:00h
Su 10:00 – 18:00h
430* / 460 Euro (per modul)
*if you register until one month before there is cost reduction
Book training Psycho-Kinesiology
For groups of 4 and more there is the possibility for an english training. Feel free to ask.
attendance of the workshop needs registration
Praxis Andrea Hofmann
Heidelberger Str. 37a
12059 Berlin
(Neukölln / Treptow)
030 – 28 45 98 57
0176 – 234 02 987
The seminar is not taking place when there are not enough participants. If you already transferred some money you get immediate refund.
Andrea Hofmann
Heilpraktikerin Psychotherapy
Consultancy / Coaching / Psychotherapy
Berlin Mitte, Neukölln / Treptow, Prenzlauer Berg, Kreuzberg / Friedrichshain
Book training Psycho-Kinesiology
Andrea Hofmann works with methods like EMDR, Family Constellations / Systemic Constellations, Inner Child, Open Perception, Perception Consciousness & Intuition, In The Skin of the Otherand more. She Provides advice to balanced diet (f.e. alkaline diet, low-carb diet), Alkaline Bathing and publishesin various media.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][/vc_column][/vc_row]