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Which method(s) to use with which problem or illness depends on various factors. I talk about this with each client, each session — so together we can find the appropriate approach.
With material testing (in connection with allergies, intolerance, substance-testing) in most of the cases kinesiological testing is used. Depending on the questions asked also systemic constellations (the free variation of family constellations) can be applied.
Organic: Dysfunction of the thyroid gland, lungs, heart, stomach, liver, gall bladder, pancreas, kidneys, intestine, bladder, haematosis (hematosis), immune system, spinal column etc.
Systemic: rheumatism, gout, psoriasis, sleep disorder etc.
Headache, migraine, chronic pain, acute pain, phantom pain, abdominal cramping etc.
Food: Diary products, wheat, oat, etc.
Chemical substances: solvent, pesticide etc.
In the prefield of a treatment (tooth crown, stopping, implant of any kind etc.) the (in-)tolerance can be tested.
Metal: Amalgam, gold alloy etc.
Synthetics: Silicon etc.
Substance Test
Kinesiological testing shows which substances are indicated individually and up to date.
Substances: Bach flowers, Schuessler Salts etc.
Infertility, hemic diseases, different variations of ulcers, warts, Xanthelasma, nocturnal enuresis (bedwetting) etc.
Andrea Hofmann
Heilpraktikerin Psychotherapy
Consultancy / Coaching / Psychotherapy
Berlin Neukölln / Treptow, nahe Kreuzberg und Friedrichshain
Andrea Hofmann works with methods like EMDR, Family Constellations / Systemic Constellations, Inner Child, Open Perception, Perception Consciousness & Intuition, In The Skin of the Otheruand more. She Provides advice to balanced diet (f.e. alkaline diet, low-carb diet), Alkaline Bathing and publishesin various media.